Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Seven Primes

After some procrastination, finally I had watched "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" last Friday. The graphics are so so realistic. Somehow overrealistic. Lol. And it somehow looks like a show of perverted humour. =.=||

Some stupid interesting facts about that movie:

1) Sam Witwicky can read a book of thousand pages within several tens of seconds due to the effect of All Sparks.

2) There is a transformer that can change into human form... =.=

3) There are actually seven Primes, with only Optimus Prime left.

4) The Fallen looked so strong, but yet so so noob.

5) The metal of the transformers somehow seems too strong and shiny to be seen as metal.

If not due to the stupid climax the movie has, I would have rated the show 10/10. It was disappointing not to see a long 1v1 boss battle between Optimus and the Fallen.

Jetfire equipped Optimus Prime. Looks so cool and guess what? He can fly (though looks like Gundam)!

Whereas the movie I watched at home, Angels and Demons, looked much better in terms of plot and was so exciting and mind stimulating. An awesome movie of religionbots vs scienceticons (noob terms lol).

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