Friday, May 22, 2009

Choosing Courses?

Well, it's always a headache after you graduated from your secondary school. Why? You need to decide whether to work or continue your studies. And when you choose to further your studies, there's more to think. Which university? Which course? Government or private? Uhm, I'll just talk about choosing courses, which I have seen a lot of people who DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO PURSUE.

Basically, there are four aspects to consider: interest, ability/talent, career prospects and financial prospects, which the former two the more important ones to be considered.

Interest. Err... This is clear enough. Choose only what you like. You can't study well about what you don't like right? What I meant is choosing one or a few areas of your interests. For example, I will always pick anything related to finance and economics first. I can almost guarantee that you will be in tragedy if you studied about something you don't like for your university. And one important note: YOU CAN TAKE YOUR PARENTS/FRIENDS/RELATIVES/TEACHERS' OPINIONS, BUT PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW IF YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE!

The next thing: ability/talent. Usually ability or talent is built from interests or vice versa. So if you've picked the course which is your interest, it should not be a big problem for this part. However, some screenings are required. You will need to determine what kind of skills you possess and how good is each of the skill. Then choose the course which emphasized on the combinations of skills which you identified to be your strongest. For example, my analysis and mathematics abilities are strong, so actuarial science, accounting and finance are some of the courses which suite me the most. Of course, STUDY THOROUGHLY ABOUT THE COURSE WHICH YOU SHORTLISTED AS YOUR LIST OF POSSIBLE SELECTIONS.

Career prospects. Erm... You should be working happily in the future if the course you picked is perfectly fitted with your interests and skills, but career prospects is what that gives you security. If you want a secured job with satisfying salary, ideal working hours etc, then you must consider this factor as well. You must do a study about the job you are going to do if you graduated from that particular course. If you just don't like what that job offers, don't bother choosing that course anymore.

Last but not least, it's financial prospects. $ rules. Lol. I bet that you won't want a job that gives you very little payout. So you must also study about the salary you will get after you graduated and get a job. If the salary is low even after you promoted as a manager, then that's not quite an ideal job for you. Unless you have only one course of interest and that course only offers one kind of job, SWITCH COURSES/CHOOSE THE ALTERNATIVE JOBS if the work pay of that particular job is awful.

That's all. Uhm, I just felt to write it all of a sudden lol. Maybe it's too late for some of you but for those who still have the chance to choose your degree course, think wisely and hope that this guide will help. And if you think that this guide is effective, DON'T BE SELFISH! Show it to the others! Haha. Good luck. ^^


SGRMSE. said...

It was good of you to write this. Even though I've passed these crossroads I do remember how taxing it was being torn in between so many plausible directions. And I do agree with you 100% that the MOST IMPORTANT criteria is interest because it is only when through doing what we want to do and not what we have to that we can achieve satisfaction and ultimately, happiness.

So thanks. For this.

Leo said...

Haha thx. Yup, we should lead our life and not to be led by it, so that's it!