Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hippie Father's Day!

Went YY's home on Friday and pleased to meet some new friends there such as Yi Kang, Jestin, Jeat Ming (sorry if I didn't spell it right). Yi Kang is an incredible singer. Lol. We stayed overnight and the next day during back home, I kissed KK's car. Lol.

Later at Saturday, I went to my cousin's birthday dinner with my family. Happy birthday June Ting! It's her 21st so basically she's now free from any underage law now! A lot of relatives had came since our family tree is a big one. Man, the dinner was great. And I tried my very first oyster in my life with tabasco sauce. Not bad. What's more? I had also had some sips of good red wine. Sweet in both taste and scent. ^^ There were around 12 bottles of wine in total so basically all of the elder ones made the night filled with lots of sound of "cheers"! It suites the name of the restaurant - Cheers Palace. Lol.

Then the dinner filled with craziness. We sang and cheered like a bunch of madmen. Lol. That's the nature of my paternal family. Very extrovertive. I think we had brought quite some annoyance to the other diners there. =P

Besides we had also sang "Ting Ma Ma De Hua" of Jay Chou's and altered it to Ba Ba in conjunction with father's day. A present for father? Lol.

Happy father's day!

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